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What is a vertebral subluxation?
There are 24 movable bones in your spine. A vertebral subluxation results when one of these bones loses it's normal alignment or motion, causing it to disturb nerve structures in your spine.
Are vertebral subluxations always painful?
Not always. Long-standing chronic vertebral subluxations are not usually painful. Acute subluxations, on the other hand, can cause extreme neck and back pain.
What is an adjustment?
An adjustment is a specific manual (using the hands) procedure using carefully directed and controlled pressure to restore spinal bones to their normal position and motion.
Do adjustments hurt?
No! In fact, most people feel a sense of ease and relaxation after an adjustment.
Is it necessary to receive multiple adjustments for a condition?
Usually, yes. The body needs both time and repetition to retrain the muscles supporting your spine and to re-establish the proper position and motion of individual vertebra.
How long does it take to start feeling better?
Children respond quickly. Adults take longer as most spinal problems result from years of neglect. Progress depends upon personal history, diet, exercise, and regularity of your adjustments.
How safe is chiropractic care?
Exceptionally safe. Years of training and the experience of giving thousands of adjustments leave little chance for receiving any serious negative reaction to your chiropractic care
What happens if I just leave my sore back or neck alone?
The degenerative effects of uncorrected spinal problems worsen with time. Pain may dissipate, but will often return months or years later, only as a far worse condition. Unfortunately, long standing spinal problems are difficult or sometimes impossible to correct.
Can I be adjusted even if I am pregnant?
Yes! It is important to maintain proper spinal alignment and nerve function during this time. With Chiropractic, many mothers find back pain decreases and labour is less difficult.
Why do patients who begin care with a back related problem later discover other health problems also improve?
A Chiropractor's goal is to alleviate irritation to the nerve system. This allows the brain to better communicate to all areas in they body. This in turn leads to better body function.
What other conditions can chiropractic help?
Research has shown that people suffering from angina, asthma, painful menstruation, high blood pressure, ulcers, and middle ear infections in children, have all benefited from chiropractic care.
Are chiropractors licensed like other doctors?
Yes. Chiropractors receive the same number of classroom hours as medical doctors. After passing rigorous national and provincial board exams, they are licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Do I need a referral from my medical doctor to see a chiropractor?
No. As with medical doctors, Chiropractors have extensive training in diagnosis, and can determine what your condition is, and the best method to manage your case.
Can children receive chiropractic care?
Yes! Sports, falls, learning to walk, or even the birthing process can place a great deal of stress on the spine. Left alone, these traumas can hinder a child's growth and affect their health. Regular spinal check-ups promote normal development and prevent problems from occurring.